Land surrounding Bridge End Farm forms part of the Guildford Borough Council Local Plan allocation (Policy A35) for up to 2,000 homes at the former Wisley Airfield. The land surrounding Bridge End Farm is expected to provide up to 200 new homes and recreational natural green space known as SANG (Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace).
A design team, including masterplanners JTP, has been appointed by the landowner, to draw up an outline planning application for the site, with an anticipated submission date in late February 2023.
The ‘Former Wisley Airfield’ site is located to the north-east of Ockham village. The landowner has worked collaboratively alongside the other two landowners, Taylor Wimpey (TW) and Hallam Land Management (HLM), on the ‘Former Wisley Airfield’ allocation.
The wider allocation site has three interconnected neighbourhoods each with their own distinct characters, separated by generous green corridors.
The community engagement outlined in this website refers specifically to the land surrounding Bridge End Farm. TW and HLM have previously led public consultation events for the wider allocation sites which can be found online.

‘Former Wisley Airfield’ wider site allocation boundaries
Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG)
A Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) is a recreational site, created to attract residents of new developments away from designated sites that are protected for their valuable ecology and are sensitive to recreational activities such as dog walking.
The land surrounding Bridge End Farm proposes approximately 5.4 ha of SANG to be available for use by people moving into the new housing, as well as the existing local community. The land will be managed as a semi-natural area with plenty of space for a range of informal recreational activities and will be actively managed for the enjoyment of, and use by local people and families.

Land surrounding Bridge End Farm SANG boundary
Give us your Thoughts
Online Exhibition
From Tuesday 6 December 2022, you are invited to the Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm online exhibition, for a chance to view and comment on the emerging proposals. Click the link here to view a pdf of the exhibition. Please submit comments to community@jtp.co.uk or write to Freepost JTP (no stamp required) by Monday 9 January 2023.
Comments received will be shared with the design team as they work up the planning application. The application proposals will be shared publicly around the time of the outline planning application submission.”
Public Exhibition
On Tuesday 6 December 2022, from 1pm to 8pm, the local community were invited to an in-person exhibition at East Horsley Village Hall. The exhibition material can be seen below in the Library section.
Online Exhibition
Please submit comments to community@jtp.co.uk or write to Freepost JTP (no stamp required) by Monday 9 January 2023.

You can contact the design team in the following ways:
Email: community@jtp.co.uk
Freephone: 0800 012 6730
Write: Freepost JTP (no stamp required)
Personal data protection
Full details of how we process, manage and retain your personal information can be found online in our Privacy Notice at jtp.co.uk/projects/community-planning
JTP will retain your details to communicate with you about Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm up to and including the submission of the planning submission. We may share your personal details with the design team but not with any other third parties.
To OPT OUT of receiving future updates about the Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm project, please email us at optout@jtp.co.uk or write to us at Freepost JTP (no stamp required).
The Land Surrounding Bridge End Farm community engagement process is being organised by JTP on behalf of the landowner.
For more information, please contact the JTP community planning team at community@jtp.co.uk or by Freephone 0800 012 6730 or by writing to Freepost JTP (no stamp required).